Where to Find the Sekiro Malcontents Ring for Upgrading

As players go about making their way through Sekiro Shadows Die Twice, they will inevitably make their way towards one of the four endings. To get there, it will be very challenging since this is a From Software game. As such, there are several items we recommend finding like the Divine Confetti and Sekiro Malcontents Ring. While we’ve covered Confetti, we haven’t gone over this ring just yet.

In this guide for Sekiro Shadows Die Twice, we are going to let you know the Sekiro Malcontents Ring location. This ring is important for a number of reasons. No, you aren’t going to be equipping it but, instead, using it for upgrades. Throughout the game, you can upgrade your prosthetic tool and this is an item for the Finger Whistle specifically. Here’s how to get it.

Sekiro Malcontents Ring Location

Sekiro Malcontents Ring

To get the Sekiro Malcontents Ring, you are going to need to do a bit of traveling and boss killing. You will need to kill the Guardian Ape that is located in the Ashina Depths. Once you have reached the Ashina Reservoir idol, you will need to head left and up past the enemy and continue on your way to a hole where an NPC is looking down it.

You will need to kill the boss here, then head further into the Poison Pool where the Guardian Ape is located. Activate its idol and kill it. From here, you just need to keep on playing the game per usual. Once you see the idol icon gray out, you will need to fast travel to the Poison Pool and make your way back to the area where you fought the Guardian Ape.

There, you will meet the Shichimen Warrior. You will need to defeat it in order to receive the Sekiro Malcontents Ring as a reward.