Yesterday, we posted that dynamite would soon be making its way into Fortnite. Today, we are pleased to report that the Dynamite was added to the game through patch 6.30, along with the highly-anticipated Wild West LTM.
What is the Fortnite Wild West LTM?
First, let’s talk about the brand-new game mode. In the Wild West LTM, both weapons and consumables are restricted. The patch notes sum it up like this: “This town ain’t big enough for the hundred of us! Use weapons from frontier times in this Limited Time Mode to earn a Victory Royale!”
You can arm up with weapons which are appropriate to the time period, such as the Shotgun, Minigun, or Hunting Rifle. Dynamite is available in this mode as well.
In terms of consumables, you can use Medical Kits, Bandages, Campfires and Slurp Juices, but that is it—so a lot of this mode comes down to how you can make creative use of the few item types which are available.
How Does Dynamite Work in Fortnite?
Now let’s talk about the Dynamite. It isn’t easy to come by, but you may have some luck if you check Vending Machines, Supply Drops, Supply Llamas, and Chests. It also occasionally may show up in loot on the floor. Each stack you come across will contain 3 Dynamites.
If you do find some, you will want to focus on using it to attack structures rather than players. The dynamite only results in 70 damage against players, but it results in an impressive 800 damage to structures. The explosion which the Dynamite produces measures 1600 units in diameter and spans 384 units into the air.
One other important thing to know about how Dynamite works concerns what happens after you light it. Lighting the Dynamite initiates a 5 second countdown. Once that countdown is complete, the Dynamite will explode, whether you have attained a safe distance or not.
So you will want to have a plan of escape mapped out in your mind before you light the fuse. You will then want to get the heck out of there at full speed so that you do not take any unintended damage.
If you are looking for the full notes for the v6.30 Content Update, you can find them here. Once you have checked them out, make sure that you drop back by our Fortnite news for additional updates.