The World of Cyberpunk 2077, an upcoming lore book created by CD Projekt Red and produced by Dark Horse Comics, is finally available to pre-order. The book was announced five months ago, and will release shortly after the game itself, on the 21st of April. As of now, the Cyberpunk 2077 book is available to pre-order; you can place your own order on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Things From Another World, or at a local retailer.
Where to Pre-Order The World of Cyberpunk 2077
The World of Cyberpunk 2077 is, specifically, a lore book, not a game guide; it won’t contain any details about gameplay. However, it will feature over 200 pages of details and background about the Cyberpunk 2077 setting of Night City, as well as plenty of concept art. “Step into the year 2077, a world dotted with dystopian metropoles where violence, oppression, and cyberware implants aren’t just common – they’re necessary tools to get ahead,” reads the book’s product description; “[…] Learn all there is to know about the technology of tomorrow and research the cybernetics, weapons, and vehicles of Cyberpunk 2077.”
The upcoming hardcover book is currently available to pre-order for £29.48 on Amazon, or for £17.09 for its Kindle edition. In addition to exploring the lore behind the game’s various key characters, the book will go beyond the boundaries of Night City to delve into the world in 2077. In the game itself, players will be able to leave the city. However, most of the story will take place within it. As such, the lore book will likely offer more details about the Free State of California and the world beyond.
In other recent Cyberpunk 2077 news; fans were treated to a few new teasers thanks to a dev Q&A event which took place in Poland. While the event wasn’t recorded, a written report on social media revealed a bevy of new details about the game. These covered topics like the Cyberpunk 2077 crafting system, driving mechanics, in-game loot, and overall length, among other things.