Ryu Ga Gotoku Studios, the genius behind the Yakuza games from SEGA, have recently announced a brand new game named Judge Eyes, also known as Project Judge. This announcement comes from Tokyo Game Show’s pre-show, the PlayStation Line-Up, where a number of games were shown off, but none quite held social media as much as Judge Eyes has.
But the most important question of it all is obviously this: when will Judge Eyes come out? Unfortunately, it won’t be releasing this year in the West, but sometime in 2019. Though if you’re in Japan then count yourself one of the lucky ones, as you’ll be able to play the full game on December 13th this year. What’s more, a demo for Judge Eyes will be out sometime today on the Japanese PSN store. We’re trying very hard not to be jealous right now.
As you can see from the game’s screenshots, Judge Eyes looks to have the same aesthetic look as the Yakuza games and seems to be set in present-day Japan. However, unlike Yakuza, this time you’ll be playing as a detective who will skulk around the city to fight crime and solve mysteries. What’s more, you’ll even be able to customize your character via Hitman-style in a variety of disguises, because hey, a detective needs to have disguises, right?
But one of the most exciting parts about Judge Eyes is no doubt the combat and stealth mechanic, which you can see for yourselves in the video. Here you’ll see that you’ll be able to sneak up on people through the use of back alleys, ladders up to higher areas, drones to spy where you can’t reach, as well as using crowds of people in order to remain hidden.
While we don’t know much more, it looks as though this game will be definitely one to watch out for.